Specialized Protection Intelligence


Empresa de seguridad Privada


  • Contacto: info@spi-cr.com


  • Oficina: 2289-7554


  • Oficina: Plaza Obelisco del Oeste Local #17 San Rafael Escazu

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Nuestra compañia

Specialized Protection Intelligence (SPI) is a company with a proven history and the necessary knowledge to provide unparalleled solutions for both short and long term assignments to individuals, families, institutions and corporations. Our goals are to increase security awareness, provide cost effective solutions and deliver critical support and training, that prepares our clients to properly deal with security related events and circumstances. At Specialized Protection Intelligence we are committed to providing specialized and customized security solutions for individuals, families, organizations and institutions throughout Latin America. Whether your needs are protection, security, surveillance, secure transportation, assessment, consulting, investigation or a special response team for a day, week, month or year, the elite professionals at Specialized Protection Intelligence stand ready to meet your needs. Your Security is Our Business. Services: • Bodyguards & Armed Chauffers for: executives, celebrities, families, threatened individuals, politicians, tourists. • Training Courses for: Armed Escorts and Bodyguards, Security Personnel, Executives and their families, Government Agencies, Self Defense. • Facility Security: Condominiums, homes, companies, shopping ceneters. • Event Security • Surveillance & Investgations • Secure Transportation • Custody of Securities • Security Officers

Quienes somos?

Otras empresas de seguridad privada que ofrecen el servicio en el area:


Brindamos Servicios de Seguridad Privada y Limpieza.

Correos Electronicos talentohumano@pasecocr.com
Telefono 4001-1980

La Loma 400m norte del tanque de agua.

Grupo Global Seguridad

Grupo Global Seguridad es una compañía líder que ofrece servicios de seguridad física y electrónica. Contamos con alianzas a nivel mundial y actualmente operamos en el mercado costarricense. Nos caracterizamos por nuestro profesionalismo, competividad y llevamos la seguridad a un nivel superior para poder garantizar la satisfacción de nuestros clientes y superar toda expectativa.

Correos Electronicos mercadeo@grupoglobal.co.cr
Telefono 71108637

Escazu Corporate Center Escazú, Costa Rica

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15/11/2013 0:00:00